2024 Snapshot: Five Trends Reshaping Digital Identity

Infographic: Gain a glimpse into 2024’s digital identity trends including digital ID's, business identity theft, artificial intelligence, "super apps" and more.

2024 Snapshot:

Five Trends


Digital Identity

Many organizations find themselves so focused on the race against

immediate change, they have little opportunity to consider what the

next month or coming year might hold. The “Five Trends Reshaping

Digital Identity in 2024” report can help.

It’s a guide to help organizations navigate this year’s dynamic

identity landscape, delivering the flexible tools to wield a resilient

verification strategy for the present while keeping an eye on the

horizon and preparing for inevitable change.

Digital identity, the tools to verify it and the

threats against it continually evolve on the global

economic stage.

Read the report for a deep dive into 2024’s digital identity trends.

The world’s



Trulioo is the world’s identity platform, trusted by leading

companies for their verification needs. The Trulioo integrated,

automated platform provides unparalleled global coverage

for business and person verification and a comprehensive

suite of in-house capabilities.

Combining its state-of-the-art technology with expert verification

knowledge across diverse markets, Trulioo enables the highest

verification assurance levels, optimizing onboarding costs and

fostering trust and security in the global digital economy.

Trulioo is a registered trademark of Trulioo Information Services Inc. in the United States, the European Union,

Canada and other countries.

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Interested in learning more?

A verification partner that delivers a network of

issuers through one contract and one integration can

enable enterprises to see past the clutter and focus

on delivering their services to anyone in the world.”

Digital IDs offer consumers security, convenience and

connection in a digital world. However, as regulatory

developments and technological advances drive digital ID

expansion, organizations can face complex contracting

and integration challenges.

Digital IDs


Identity Theft

Steve Munford, Chief Executive Officer, Trulioo

Deepfake technology, powered by generative AI, now holds a

prominent place in the fraud arsenal. The report analyzes how

fraudsters employ AI tactics to target consumers and explores

how a mix of onboarding tools can counter those threats.

“A partner with a full suite of in-house verification capabilities

through a single platform, combined with a network of global

data sources and local expertise, gives organizations the

agility to precisely adjust to any onboarding challenge or threat

anywhere in the world,” Lonas said.

Fraudsters’ Affinity

for Artificial


Business identity theft is reality for organizations around the

world. A Trulioo survey, for instance, revealed that 79% of

responding companies have experienced it. But it’s a

vulnerable adversary.

“Business verification with automation and layered capabilities

that integrate KYB and KYC through a single, flexible workflow

can give organizations onboarding speed and high assurance

they’re keeping business identity theft at bay,” Trulioo Chief

Technology Officer Hal Lonas said in the report.


79% of companies have experienced business

identity theft, according to global survey

Global companies are expanding into new services across

industries and regions, and they’re experiencing heightened

identity and business verification requirements. A holistic

verification approach with blended capabilities can help

organizations balance onboarding speed and security as

they grow.

Super Apps

“The key is to make sure every

onboarding instance delivers

optimized value for the

organization and as little friction

as possible for the customer.

AI has given us extraordinary

opportunities to do that quickly,

efficiently and securely.”

Steve Munford, Chief Executive Officer, Trulioo

Trend #1

Trend #3

Trend #2

Trend #5

Trend #4

AI can deliver the transformative power to fast-track

onboarding and reshape identity verification. The report

unpacks the evolving AI regulation landscape and how the

technology can form a powerful defense against fraud.



in the Right


The lines between digital banking,

payments and online marketplaces

are fading.


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