Verify ID Documents Across the Globe

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The World’s Most

Complete Identity Platform

Document and Data Verification

Global enterprises can achieve compliance and

manage risk when they combine data and document

verification in a single workflow. The robust verification

can more easily detect stolen and synthetic identities.

The Trulioo platform connects Identity Document

Verification to world-leading services for a holistic view

of people and businesses.

Document and Business Verification

Organizations can combine document and business

verification in a workflow to verify ultimate beneficial

owners and persons of significant control. The

combination is often used for supplier onboarding,

business account opening, large financial transactions

and board member verification.

Trulioo Intelligence Layer

The Trulioo platform’s intelligence layer applies fuzzy

matching to ID document data for hard-to-read cases,

such as differing conventions in how first, middle

and last name are presented. The machine learning-

powered matching increases verification rates in real-

world conditions.

The world’s



Trulioo is the world’s identity platform, trusted by leading companies

for person and business verification. Combining state-of-the-

art technology and expert knowledge across diverse markets,

Trulioo enables the highest verification assurance levels, optimized

onboarding costs and trust in the global digital economy.

Trulioo is a registered trademark of Trulioo Information Services Inc. in the United States, the European Union,

Canada and other countries.

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