Trulioo — Case Study
eToro’s global expansion strategy
meant it could reach traders around
the world, but the backbone of that
growth had to be an agile identity
verification solution to ensure
regulatory compliance worldwide.
The social investment platform partnered with Trulioo
in 2019 to provide that solution while ensuring a
smooth customer onboarding expansion. The initial
partnership covered seven countries, but, by the end
of 2020, eToro’s continued expansion meant it was
using Trulioo solutions in 22 countries.
The main advantage of working with Trulioo was
its performance and high match rates when eToro
expanded into a new market, said Vsevolod Babiev,
eToro project management/business analyst
team leader.
“With the robust marketplace of over 450 data
sources from Trulioo, we are able to achieve our match
rate objectives,” he said. “Ultimately, this ensures that
we can deliver a seamless onboarding experience
for users.”
eToro’s continued
expansion meant it was
using Trulioo solutions in
22 countries.