Identity Verification Fuels eToro's Global Expansion

Case Study: Trulioo identitity verification helps eToro quickly expand to new markets while offering safe onboarding and meeting strict regulatory requirements.

Trulioo — Case Study



With the robust marketplace

of over 450 data sources from

Trulioo, we are able to achieve

our match rate objectives.”

Benefiting From the Shift to Digital

The internet has democratized information and

increased retail investor participation in global

markets. A number of factors have driven that shift to

online investing and encouraged more people to get

involved: zero-commission investing, fractional shares,

low- or zero-interest rates and the overall digitization

of services.

That trend led to rapid growth for eToro. The

partnership with Trulioo showed how quickly eToro

could expand into a new market and start verifying

new customers.

Improving the Onboarding Experience

Trulioo is a key component in eToro’s customer

onboarding. The company’s focus is on identity

verification creating smooth experiences for

customers and reducing manual work for eToro’s Know

Your Customer team, Babiev said.

Trulioo has accomplished that, freeing up the eToro

team to improve other areas of the business and

optimize the platform’s user experience.

• Vsevolod Babiev eToro Project Management/ Business Analyst Team Leader

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